
You can use the form below to search among the most important data of the documents. There is an “and” relationship between the entered words, that is, they must all appear in one of the data fields. The search engine also finds the majority of conjugated words, as it uses automatic word truncation, but you can also replace the end of words with a * character. The hit list can be sorted by the main title of the document or the title of the publication containing it, as well as by document type and thematic category. The colored bars in front of the results indicate which collection the item is from, and padlock icons indicate whether the document is in open access. Red or yellow padlocks occur for web pages whose archived copies are not or not yet authorised by the content owner, but the metadata, thumbnails and the Internet Archive backups can be viewed in these cases. Documents that are publicly available can be accessed by clicking on the link “Az OSZK-ban archivált dokumentum:” (highlighted in yellow) at the top of the detailed metadata sheet.

Metadata search: